About NetworkDNA and Documenting your Network
IT Network Docs is a promotor of NetworkDNA.
NetworkDNA is all about computer networking. A large part of this site is dedicated to the NetworkDNA structure developed by Don Krause to provide a standard structure and documents for Network Documentation.
The Structure consists of several sections that hold the information and which are easily identified.
The whole idea behind NetworkDNA is to provide this structure so that every Computer Network Manager or consultant can find the information they need fast and efficient as all the documentation of your computer network would be the same.
Here are some of the major benefits of having your documentation in order and up-to-date:
- External consultants that need to work on your network have easy access and insight which will result in fewer hours on the job,
- Troubleshooting becomes much easier as you now which systems connect,
- Setting up a Network Monitoring system is easier as you know the main components and bottlenecks of your network,
- Managing your network becomes so much better because of your in depth knowledge of the network.
Time lost in Documenting
There are a lot more reasons that you can thinks off and an lot of reasons not to track changes on your network… but please keep in mind that cutting corners on documenting the things you have and do on your network will always result in a greater loss of time.
That time is mostly lost when you don't have the time and you need to fix things fast. An oversight of a connection to another critical component in the network will cause you even more problems.